SEO Analysis Report & SEO Strategy

A valuable insight into your customers and market

A key part to any project is the SEO Analysis Report as this covers all the initial research that is crucial to understanding your market, your customers, what they are looking for, using what keywords and phrases, the level of demand and frequency. This produces a detailed Keyword Analysis and importantly enables us to formulate an SEO Strategy to take advantage of this knowledge and the opportunities to make a significant change in your online ranking, search position, visitor numbers and overall business.

The report includes:

  • Executive Summary
    • A high-level explanation of findings
  • Primary Keywords & Phrases
    • A list of keywords to use based on relevance to core business
  • Secondary Keywords & Phrases
    • A list of keywords to use based on relevance to services/products/activity
  • Opportunity Keywords & Phrases
    • A list of keywords to use based on relevance to market opportunities
  • SEO Strategy
    • How to approach implementation to maximise core SEO and opportunities
  • Proposed Structure and Layout
    • Recommendation on website organisation to increase search relevance
  • Action Plan
    • A to-do list based on the strategy and structure recommendations to help with implementation
  • SEO Keyword Analysis
    • Detailed analysis of keywords vs search demand with seasonal trend analysis
    • Tables and charts revealing monthly search keyword results and numbers
    • Interpretation of results based on user behaviour, phrasing, market, demand
    • Additional information as relevant
  • SEO Associated Keywords
    • Inclusion of associated keywords as identified by Google’s AI
  • SEO Benchmarking Template
    • Document to help you record search position for a number of key search phrases
  • Tutorial Video
    • Taking you through the report, findings, what to do and how to do it

This report is literally worth its weight in gold to any business owner as it will not only give you an insight into how many people are searching for a business like yours, it will manage expectations on amount of business and also show new opportunities and potentially new areas of business.

It is this key report that usually dictates the success of the overall project.

SEO Analysis by Bude SEO in Cornwall